Sunday, January 13, 2013

Well I am still on track with my 75 days in Ink Sketching Challenge.

The fact that I don't have the fall back of being able to erase has made me look harder at what I am drawing, I am looking more at the shapes in the subject rather than the overall thing. I find myself looking at, the wren I sketched; triangle for the beak and that adjoining a semi-circle for the top of his little head..........I got lost with my adjoining shapes and disn't even realise till the end that the resulting drawing was not bad at all :)

It didn't register that I was doing what I had read a number of years ago, about Cezanne doing and teaching: “...treat nature by means of the cylinder, the sphere, the cone...”, Paul Cézanne.

I have started to actually practice this now without thinking about it because I don't have the liberty of just taking lines out any time I feel like it - its amazing what a simple ink exercise can do for you. I should have gone "lead free" yonks ago !!

Anyway here are some more of my ink sketches - and apologies some of the scanning was not so great:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


May your hearts be full of love and laughter,
your days be full of sunshine
and your nights full of peace and contentment.

I have already said that I am not making New Years Resolutions, but I have decided to make lifestyle changes. I am not going to drop 6 dress sizes in a week or train for a marathon............I am going to slowly trick myself into some healthier lifestyle choices.
They say if you o something for a month it becomes a habit, so I am going to make small changes one at a time and if after that month its still a little bit of a struggle then I perservere for longer without ading a new change to stress me. The first should be easy : eat 5 srves of veg and 2 of fruit a day. The adde bonus to this should be that I have less room for rubbish.......but then again that a Mars Bar I hear calling from the cupboard? LOL
I have been doing a lot of watercolour with my ink sketches and somehow started journaling with the pics too - anyway here a few from the first 17 days [today is day 17].